Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Top Ten Things I have Learned and Will Take With Me


 1.     Family Systems theory. The idea that the family works as a system with specific roles that each members play. It shows that certain relationships need boundaries. For example the marriage should have a boundary around it, with each spouse being the most important. It also can show us when we have things that are out of whack. A “family system” that has boundaries that are lose have problems with their ability to bond as a family. It can show us if there are rigid boundaries as well. It is a good way to represent relationships visually for others to see.
2.     Homosexuality. I learned so much from this lesson in class. It really helped me to understand the issue. There were specific traits that led to future homosexuality. They were a) a wounded gender identity b) father hunger c) mother confusion d) inappropriate touch e) pornography. I thought that this was really eye opening and made me want to change the way that I raise my son to make sure that many of these traits have no place.
3.     Dating/Affection.  I really thought the three T’s were a great way to break               down the process of relationships. Time, Togetherness, and Talks all add to a good relationship. The stages of a relationship as 1) Rapport- a harmonious and comfortable relationship 2) Self Revelation 3) Mutual Dependency 4) Intimacy need fulfillment. I think that this is valuable information for us as parents and with our spouses. Understanding these processes can help us to articulate to others what healthy relationships are. They can help us guide our children when they begin to date and have children.
4.     Daddy Involvement in pregnancy and birth.  In class the discussion was about early transitions in marriage.. Having children actually lowers marital satisfaction. In some ways that is not all that surprising. It slowly decreases after each child is born, levels off and then raises again when children are out of the house. This information however is important because we will have this transition in our family. It is important that we make sure that we involve dad so that we have high satisfaction even when there are children.
1) Involve Dad-ALOT
     Have him come along for doctors’ visits
     Talk to him about what your experiencing as a mom
     Plan together
2) Make time for the two of you
    Have a Babymoon
    Go on dates once a week
    Be affectionate
5.     Human Sexuality. According to research, common sense and the gospel here is how to have great sex: 1. Get Married!!! According to various studies married people have the most satisfying sex lives. Make sense right? There is much security and safety in a committed and enduring relationship.2. Love your spouse more than yourself. When you are caring more about them and focusing on them you create more happiness and love. You literally fall in love more when you serve your spouse, and that definitely makes making love more easy and satisfying.3. Have open lines of communication. Not just about sex, but about everything. It is so much nicer to first share your thoughts, and feelings before you share your bed.
4. Keep the flame alive. Keep things romantic with yourselves. Write each other love notes. Send flirty texts. Compliment your spouse. Date each other.
6.     Affairs. I think that this was a very important and relevant lesson in our lives. It is so easy to slip into one and not be aware of it because we know that we are not having intimacy, but there are ways to have one without having sexual intimacy, and all are wrong. The types of affairs are fantasy, visual, sexual, romantic. They all involve separating our heart from our partner and are damaging to the marriage.
7.     The Magic Five Hours. I really loved this concept and have adopted it into my own marriage and have had great success in doing so. I think it is wonderful for creating intimacy within the marriage. Partings-Take 2 min a day, 5 days a week before one of you leaves for work. This is making special one on one time before you leave for the day. Reunions- Spend 20 min reuniting 5 days a week. Admiration and Appreciation-Spend 5 minutes, seven days a week communicating your admiration for one another. Affection-Spend 5 minutes a day, 7 days a week sharing affection outside of sexual intimacy. Date- Have a two hour date a week spending time together and sharing. Make sure it is a prepared, planned, and paired off
8.     Counseling with our Councils. Family Meetings are vital for further family unity and for good communication. It creates intimacy within the family. It helps all of the family members to feel as if they are important and that their opinions are important and worthwhile.  Councils help to bring about change. They help us each to come to a solution as a family. To start our council we have to first have an agenda. One way to do this is to have a blank sheet of paper on the fridge and have family members write at will topics that they wish to discuss. Once an agenda is completed there needs to be a pre meeting. Mom and Dad need to come together and meet to figure out what topics they are going to discuss and how they should present the ideas. Then it is time for the real council or meeting. The schedule should be like this 1. Express Love to Each Other2. Opening Prayer 3. Discuss Topics 4. Closing Prayer 5. Refreshments. Even the youngest children in the family should be allowed to contribute. When we have decisions to make that concern the family we should not forget to council with the Lord. I think if when we have our opening prayer, if we can consecrate our meeting to Him we can more fully understand His will. One major thing about the council is that nothing moves forward without a complete consensus. Everyone has to be on board. I think that this can be a blessing in our home if we use it properly. We can create a home that can become a force for good. We can become unified and we can become more productive. I feel that this truly can bless our lives if we use it appropriately.
9.     Blended Families. When trying to blend two families together many of us don't realize how difficult that can be. In the media divorced families are most often not displayed accurately. Shows like Reba for example are just not the norm when it comes to mixing two households. However there is lots of research that can help us as we try to create a home. 1. Realize that it takes about two years (on average) to create some kind of normalcy within the family 2. Let the original birth parent do most of the heavy discipline 3. The new stepparent should be having a role similar to an aunt or uncle in the beginning 4. Coordinate and Counsel together as a married behind closed doors about how to precede 5. Focus on your Marriage-don't forget to take time to cultivate and work on your marriage together especially if you are newlyweds. Cherish that time of getting to know each other and bond. I think that it is important that in trying to create a blended family or really any family that we focus first on our marriage. That is truly the most important relationship that we will ever have in this life. Parenthood is a wonderful thing, but it is temporary compared to a marriage. I truly feel that if we put our marriage first that we other parts of our family will fall into place.
10.                        I think the most important thing that I have taken from this class is an ability to look and analyze systems and research that can help to benefit my family. This class has helped me to have better confidence in my own ability to be a parent and to make a difference in my home. I have more of a desire to be a productive member of my family. I am more confident because I have been given tools to analyze and look at information and to use the spirit while I am making my decisions. I also have a strong testimony of the importance of the family. There truly is no other organization more important and vital to each person. 

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