Saturday, November 2, 2013

Baby Bumps in the Road

In class the discussion was about early transitions in marriage. I would like to focus on one transition, having children. Having children actually lowers marital satisfaction.In some ways that is not all that surprising. It slowly decreases after each child is born, levels off and then raises again when children are out of the house. So what can we do to help our marriages be satisfying even when we have those "Baby Bumps in the Road."
1) Involve Dad-ALOT
     Have him come along for doctors visits
     Talk to him about what your experiencing as a mom
     Plan together
2) Make time for the two of you
    Have a Babymoon
    Go on dates once a week
    Be affectionate


1 comment:

  1. "Have a 'Baby-Moon'" literally the best idea I've heard all night!
